BrainCore - Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect During and After Your BrainCore Neurofeedback Sessions
Neurofeedback therapy is your chance to begin a new way of thinking and doing every day!
What is the Cost for BrainCore Therapy?

$160 per single session
$800 Functional Brain Map and Full Interview (60-90 mins)
Initial Consultation cost is included with Brain Map
$150 Re-mapping Session
Care Plans (Packages): 6 weeks ($2500), 12 weeks ($4600), and 16 weeks ($6500). Installment options are available. These all include:
-Personalized Nutrition Consultation
-Weekly Progress Report with Dr. Alex
-Talk Therapy with Each Session w/ psychotherapist on staff
-Additional (1-2) Brain Re-Map*
Special Packages and Seasonal Promotions on Financing Options Available, Please Call to Learn More!
What Can I expect to feel from Neurofeedback treatment?
Patients report feeling less anxious, relaxed, grounded, less stressed, and more focused after a BrainCore therapy session. Some patients have mentioned feeling tired afterwards due to the exercise their brain undertakes during each session.

Can I return to work after a neurofeedback therapy session?
You may want to plan your treatments so that you have a few hours to recover before returning to work. We recommend giving yourself a few hours of down time post treatment. Some of our patients choose to schedule their appointments later in the day or on the weekend when available.
What preparations should I make for my Braincore treatment?
Prior to your BrainCore therapy, you will want to eat a balanced meal, drink plenty of water and avoid drinking any alcohol the same day as your appointment. Take all medicines as normal that day.
Will My Insurance Cover BrainCore sessions?
At this time, health insurance companies may not recognize neurofeedback therapy for coverage. However, it is an eligible expense for Health Spending and Flex Spending Accounts. Please call to discuss any questions you may have regarding health insurance